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Teaching Practice

Post Primary Teaching

Creativity takes courage. - Henri Matisse

Over the course of the last four years I have had a series of placements. I have gained lots of experience teaching in many different areas. I have experience with primary school, post-primary, a school with special education needs and also gained experience remote teaching while on placement. 

Athlone Community Collage

Athlone Community College is a mixed vocational secondary school with an enrolment of 1100 students for the 2020 academic year. Students from both the Roscommon and Westmeath area attend this school, with a vast majority coming from local primary schools in Athlone town. The teachers operate on a very simple principle in Athlone Community College-‘Docendo Discimus’ (by teaching we learn). The school encourages to learn as much from all of the students as they will from the staff. In hope together they will achieve great things, academically in the classrooms, on the sport’s field, in the debating chamber, and in the music rooms.

LCA 1 - 'Kitchen Cupboard Dyes'

Through the module Surface Pattern Design, creating a design for a pillowcase. “Kitchen cupboard dying” Creating a collection of fabric dye samples from Fruits and Vegetables and documenting the process of creating dyes and collecting samples of the dyes on materials and evaluating which work best. Creating a ‘finished’ design in their notebook for a pillowslip and making their design in the pillowslip.

Transition Year - Clay figures

With our Ty clay project our aim was to create miniature sculpture figures depicting themselves, with the theme of Diversity inspired by Mona Chalabi and her artwork of ‘100 New Yorkers’. Creating the sculpture, designing the figures first through drawing and translating the designs using clay looking at the basic techniques of moulding and coil making to create features on the figures looking at shape, form, line and texture to form the sculptures.

5th Year - Art History, The Stone Age

The aim of the unit of learning was for the students should develop a factual knowledge as well as a critical awareness of the artefacts, artistic styles and historical background of The Pre-Christian Ireland and acquire an understanding of how these works of art related to the function and materials used.

Colaiste Mhuire, Ballygar

Coláiste Mhuire is a lay, co-educational, voluntary Catholic Secondary School under the trusteeship of the local community. Our current enrolment is nearly 250 students coming from 12 feeder schools. The school emphasises politeness, courtesy, co-operation and respect for self, others and property as fundamental priciples of behaviour. Coláiste Mhuire is committed to providing an atmosphere of tolerance and openness which respects the dignity of every member of the school community and in which each one can feel valued. Every member of the school community has the right to happiness and the right to learn. No one has the right to take these away from them. This fundamental principle forms the foundation of all the school rules and of the Code of Dicipline. Acceptance of a place at Coláiste Mhuire is taken as acceptance of this ethos.

1st Year - Weave Project

The aim of this unit of learning was for the student to create a cardboard loom and develop a weave onto it, focusing on colours, line and textures in their weave and to reference Ballygar in their design and relate to the theme of Galway 2020. This unit was finished using remote teaching over teams

Youtube Tutorials - Demonstrations 

During my time teaching online I found the best way to get an idea across to the students was through light worded briefs and video demonstrations that they could watch on their phones or computers, the benefit of video demonstrations is that they can be paused and played at the students command.

Holy Faith, Clontarf

Holy Faith Schools aim to create a community through which is formed an integrated and self-reliant people who deeply experience God, who have a sense of responsibility to Church and to society, who are critically aware of injustice and of the needs around them, who are eager to build a better world. (Religious and Educational Philosophy of the Holy Faith Sisters.)

Holy Faith Secondary School, Clontarf, aims, within the resources available, to provide an excellent, all round education in a Catholic environment. Through a learning community of faith and justice, based on respect, we seek to form integrated and self-reliant persons, who will be moved to work for a better world. The objectives for Holy Faith are to pursue excellence in all areas of school life, academic, creative and practical. To nurture a friendly and caring environment which allows each student to develop her own natural talents and gifts. To recognise our responsibility towards the wider community and develop a spirit of service. To offer opportunities for the spiritual development of each member of the school community.

1st Year - Lino Print 'Exotic Imports' 

The aim of this unit was to create a one colour lino print while focusing on line and shape

Artist Mentoring Holy Faith, Clontarf

A project with TY students which involved after school art classes an introduction to art at third level.

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