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Writer's pictureEMMA ROCK

Observation seven - Visual Art Ms Sheriff

7/10 3rd Year art class 27/11/2020

  1. Professional teaching skills and ability: Communication, voice, terminology, personal qualities & pupils’ responses.

Clear instructions in this class the students were to look at artists and compare or find inspiration from the artists work relating to their own work they have done or maybe find inspiration from the work for their project after Christmas

  1. Classroom management: Pupil activity, pupil behaviour.

Seating plan in the classroom

  1. Presentation of learning content: Delivery of lesson, use of resources, visual aids, support studies.

Using the projector on the board, together wrote out questions they needed to find out about the artist and wrote them down before watching the video. The students were looking for art elements that they noticed the artist using. Something they think they might try themselves and if they think the artist will benefit their research.

  1. Effectiveness of planning: Clarity of intentions, quality of learning content, presentation.

This class worked well there was a lot of just listening and looking at the videos but it emphasised the importance of researching artists for their work in school!

  1. Assessment and evaluation of pupils work in class.

Round robin style of asking questions asking students to pick one artist and then tell the class what you liked, what you think you might try yourself or if you thought it related to your work?

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